Swimathon 2016


Distance: 2.5km (2,500m) (100 lengths)

Date of Event: 25TH JUNE 2016

Description:  We are inviting you to take the challenge, to swim 2.5km in the best time you can do. You will be given 5 weekly training plans to help you to prepare for this challenge. The 5 week programme is designed to help up build up strength and endurance for the big day, to help you achieve the best you can.

The training plans are only a guide to help you on your way, please feel free to go at your own pace.

Good Luck with you preparation, and best wishes with the challenge.


Beginner The aim of this group is to complete 2.5km (2,500m) in 90+ minutes.

Average pace – 3.5/4.5minutes per 100m

Intermediate The aim of this group is to complete 2.5km (2,500m) in under 90 minutes.

Average pace – 2.5/3.5 minutes per 100m

Advanced The aim of this group is to complete 2.5km (2,500m) in under 60 minutes.

Average pace – 1.5/2.5 minutes per 100m

* All times and paces are only a guide, time do not need to be strictly followed.


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