Tuesday evening 2.30-6.50pm
Thursday evening 2.40-5.50pm
Saturday morning 9.20-1.20pm
From armbands (Level 1) to lane swimming (Level 8).Each class runs for a 40 minute duration for a 9 week term. Week 6 is assessment, week 7 is re-enrolment for the new term and week 9 is when t children receive their certificates. Children must be a minimum of 4 years of age to commence our swimming lessons
If you are unsure of your child’s ability, please feel free to avail of a complimentary swim assessment for a time that suits you.
Contact us to book your FREE swim assessment TODAY!
Little Fish-Tuesday afternoon 2.40pm
A swimming class especially designed for 3 year old. The class is a fun introduction to water and our swim lesson environment where the teacher is in the water with the children. Similar to our Child Swimming Lessons, the courses runs for 9 weeks with a 40 minute class each week.
Child Lane Training
CHILD LANE TRAINING-Wednesday @ 4.10pm, Friday @ 7.10pm or Saturday @ 12.40pm
This is great for keeping up their swim fitness and building on distance and endurance. This is ran in the same term (9weeks) with our swimming lessons and each participant must have completed level 8 swimming lessons. The Lane Training is for 50mins and is a 9 Week Course.
Dates to know for our current set of Lessons: Jan /Feb -March 2025.
Tuesday Lessons: 21st Jan – 25th Mar.
Jan: 21st Feb: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th Mar: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th .
Thursday Lessons: 23rd Jan – 27th Mar.
Jan: 23rd Feb: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th Mar: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th .
Saturday Lessons: Feb 1st – 29th Mar.
Feb: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd Mar: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th .
Re-Assessment: in Orange Re-Enrolment: in GREEN Certificates: in BLUE
Wednesday Lane Training: 22nd Jan – 26th Mar
Jan: 22nd, Feb: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th Mar: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
Friday Lane Training: 31st Jan – 28th Mar
Jan: 31st Feb: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Mar: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th .
Saturday Lane Training: 1st Feb – 29th Mar
Feb: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd Mar: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th.
Full payment is required with all swimming lesson bookings!
Re-Enrolment: in GREEN
Child Swimming Lessons Development Policy
- The swimming lessons consist of a 9 week term.
- Full payment is required at the time of booking.
- All bookings must be made in person at reception.
- Parent/Guardian must provide a contact phone number with bookings to be contactable in the event of an emergency.
- Strict enrolment procedures apply and must be adhered to. No bookings will be accepted prior to enrolment date.
- It is at the discretion of the Leisure Centre which instructor is assigned to any given level, time and/or day.
- A minimum of 3 children is required to run each level, on cancellation of a level, every effort will be made to accommodate a booking to an alternative time and/or date.
- No temporary transfers of day or time will be accepted after the commencement of the course.
- Any medical issues or additional needs must be brought to the attention of the instructor before the lesson commences.
- A refund is only available due to medical issues on presentation of a medical certificate prior to the term commencing. After commencement a credit note will be issued on receipt of a medical certificate ONLY.
- All children must use the bathroom prior to commencement of the lessons.
- For hygiene reasons the use of fake tan or any other skin or hair product
in the pool is not permitted. - All children must shower before entry into the pool.
- Swimming hats must be worn by all children in the lessons as per Pool Rules.
- Parents/Guardians can watch their child from the viewing gallery.
- Parents/Guardians are not permitted on pool deck unless otherwise instructed by a member of staff, in this event shoe covers must be worn.
- All children must be on pool side and ready for the start of the lesson.
- Children must not enter the water until instructed to do so by the instructor.
- No belongings are to be left in the cubicles, all belongings are to be secured in the lockers provided.
- Arm bands will be provided to any child in Level 1 that requires them.
- All children must abide by Pool Rules, a copy of which is located at the entrance to the Changing Village.
- All children must behave appropriately during lessons and not interfere or disrupt the swimming lesson.
- Any child who severely disrupts a lesson will have their parent / guardian informed and will be removed from the swimming lesson.
- Parents must remain on site during their child’s lesson to be contactable in the event of an emergency.
- Please be aware that the Changing Village is not supervised during the swim lesson.
- Please note that the gender specific group changing rooms may only be used by people of the appropriate gender. Any parent/guardian that needs to assist a child of a different gender in changing must use the cubicles.
- Should you have a query or concern about your child’s swimming lesson, please make yourself available to the instructor to discuss the issue immediately after the lesson finishes.
- Assessment is always week 7 of the 9 week term, it is vital that all children attend on this week to be assessed. All children will receive a letter after assessment stating their result and also dates of enrolment for the following term.
- Re-enrolment of the following course is always week 8 of the 9 week term.
- All children will receive a certificate on the final week (9) of the term.
- Please be available to tend to your child should they need assistance when going to the toilet.
- Should your child miss a lesson, we cannot transfer your child into a different lesson on a different day.